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多言語生活情報 in かわさき
Useful Information for Daily Life

Multiculture Center Kawasaki
〒210-0851 1F Akatsuki Bldg., 1-9-14 Hamacho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Take a Rinko Bus for Daishi or Mitsui-Futo and get off at Yotsukado Bus Stop. The center is 5 minutes walk away.
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Information from Kawasaki City National Health Insurance Office ②2014-03-08
Free tickets for using the swimming pool and training room are available from April 1 for those who have Kawasaki City National Health Insurance (must be high school age or older) and have completed the insurance payment. Up to 8 tickets per person, up to 20 tickets per family.
You can use the facilities shown on the ticket.
Bring your insurance card.
※Those who are members of Long-term Care Insurance Medical Insurance system or National Health Insurance system are not eligible.

Inquiries: Hoken Nenkinka at your Ward Office, Hoken Nenkin kakari at Shisho Kumin Center
Information from Kawasaki National Health Insurance office ①2014-03-08
A system for high-cost medical & nursing care is available for families who have made copayments for both National Health Insurance and Long-term Care Insurance.
You are eligible for high-cost medical & nursing care based on your application when your joint copayments exceed the limit for the period between August, 2012 (Heisei 24) ~July, 2013 (Heisei 25).
The maximum amount depends on income amount and age.
Information regarding applying was mailed to eligible families in February. But some may not have received if they have moved.
Please inquire to get details or more information.
Let’s enjoy learning Japanese!2014-03-08
For foreigners in Kawasaki:
This Japanese class is a place where you can learn daily conversation, reading, and writing, together with other foreigners and volunteers in a small group. We hope to help you learn Japanese in an enjoyable way.
Foreigners living in or working in Kawasaki city, attending a school in Kawasaki, and returnees are eligible to take this class.
Period: One year
You can join the class anytime, if space available.

Place:Kyoiku Bunka kaikan
Tel:044-233-6361, Fax: 044-244-2347
Date: Wednesday evenings
Registration begins from 7:00pm, April 16

Place:Fureai Kan
Tel:044-276-4800, Fax:044-287-2045
Date: Tuesdays, Fridays
Registration begins from 10:00am, April 4

Child-care service available (ask for details)
Useful Link Information
Guide to Kawasaki Ward Office
Fureai Kan
To Hospital and Clinic Search (Kawasaki City) page
Be prepared-Kawasaki
To Consultation Desk for Foreign Residents of Kawasaki City pags
Useful Information for daily life
◎Kawasaki Ward Child-Raising Guide Book "SANPOMICHI" published in foreign languages[551]
Free medical checkup and counseling[523]
Information from Kawasaki City National Health Insurance Office ②[520]
Information from Kawasaki National Health Insurance office ①[519]
Let’s enjoy learning Japanese![518]
Counseling program for foreigners[515]
Consumption tax will be 8%[513]
Immigration Office Electronic Application and Notification System began on June 24, 2013[439]
Latest Info from InterCom
Mail Magazine Intercom Kawasakiku will end [1148]
Collection days for waste and recyclables will change in April [1147]
Let’s enjoy learning Japanese! [1146]
Hoken Fukushi Center (Health & Social Welfare Center) system will change [1145]
Free ticket offer for heated indoor pool and training room [1144]
New distribution method of application form for financial assistance for education [1143]
Service counter special open hours [1141]
Between Higashi-monzen Station-Kojimashinden Station, Kawasaki Daishi Line is underground as of March 3 [1135]
Application for Waku Waku Plaza [1133]
Job Fair for International Students [1132]
Subsidies for sterilization for cats (second term) [1131]
Paying National Pension Premiums in one advance payment [1130]
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